"Experiments in Reflection. By mimicking different types of symmetry in nature I wish to extend to the viewer the idea that we need to pay more attention to nature as a source of life and harmony. Symmetry is also proportionally pleasing and a reflection of beauty and perfection. Art, religion, architecture, mathematics and music all use symmetry to play to these ideals. A tool for self adjustment and reflection. " - Podhjsky on this work
I'm obsessed. This could be my 5th post on them...
Am I really all the things that are outside of me? Would I complete myself without the things I like around? Does the music that I make play on my awkward face? Do you appreciate the subtleties of taste buds?
My friend and I were having laughs In a living room- filled with arts and crafts.. He said I like their clothes, and their charming ways.. But what I really want is a simple place... With no fashion clothes... cause you can't eat those
Just wanted to do a post on the first music video I interned on for director Cameron Duddy. (its so great- and i felt so lucky to be able to work on it! My friend Monica Ross assisted with me!) After the shoot, we got to work with Harper Smith and check out the amazing photos she shot at the same location just hours earlier, Heart Shaped Box, :-D